What are the Best Hostel Booking Sites in 2025? Your Basic Booking Guide

What are the Best Hostel Booking Sites out there?

So you’ve found your perfect hostel and now you would like to stay there. Yet the question remains, what are the best hostel booking sites out there? We will walk you a bit through the jungle of hostel booking sites and networks in this ultimate guide.

Reservation Platforms are obviously a great resource for finding hostels.

You may have heard of the big players Hostelworld.com, Booking.com and Tripadvisor already. But wait, we are getting ahead of ourselves. Let’s go step by step.

Every booking platform has its own advantages for using them. Some of them are really specialized and niche, some have their own app, maybe a great customer service, or even a convincing cancellation policy. It is really not easy to understand. We will walk you through this.

This article compliments our 15 SMART Tips for Booking Hostels

Always remember: policies and services are always changing! We will keep this hostel guide up to date! Yet, always keep an eye on the service offered.

Good to know: Booking platforms are resellers and service providers. They sell the rooms and beds of their hostel partners.

In this guide we discuss the following sites & platforms:

  1. Overview of hostel booking sites
  2. Hostelworld
  3. Hostelz.com
  4. Booking.com
  5. Hostelling International
  6. Airbnb
  7. Hostelsclub.com
  8. More Hostel Sites (HINT: Hostelgeeks)
  9. Which is the BEST site?
  10. FAQ

Better prepare for your hostel stay by using the essential hostel packing list, as part of our ultimate guide to hostels.

Hostel Booking Sites and Platforms

Let us get started with this short introduction. There are many different booking platforms and websites out there specialized for hostels and are a great resource for finding the good ones in Europe.

We show you the most important and relevant resources for hostel searches and bookings here.

Hostelz.com is the ONLY website in the world with all hostels.

On Hostelz.com you can check instantly ALL Booking Platforms at once!

Why is that? Hostels have to choose to work with a certain website.

There are hostels preferring one platform over the other and therefore (perhaps for more complex reasons!) they choose not to work with some websites. Read more about this in our guide to Essential Tips for Booking Hostels.

Keep this in mind when checking out the different pages.

Keep scrolling to find out why Hostelz.com is different and why you should bookmark this list as a true backpacker.

Never stayed in a Hostel? Read our guide on staying for the first time in a hostel

Check out Hostelz.com here

Price Comparison for Hostels

1. Hostelworld.com

Hostelworld is the largest hostel booking platform.

If you have ever been researching for a hostel in your lifetime, you will have come across Hostelworld for sure. It is also a main platform and is the owner of Hostels.com, Hostelbookers.com and other related platforms. They also have their popular Hostelworld App. Here we wrote a review of the Hostelworld App.

On this page here we list all the valid hostelworld discounts.

Update: Hostels.com and Hostelbookers no longer exist.

You will notice that Hostelworld does not only list hostel-typed accommodation but also

  • Upmarket & cheap hotels
  • Apartments
  • Guesthouses
  • B&Bs and more.

Over the years they expanded their market. So have a look at this when you are specifically looking for a hostel.

There is a filter you can use to only show Hostels.

When booking your accommodation with Hostelworld you will need to pay a deposit. This deposit can be anything from 12% to X – depending on the destination.

You can choose between a

  • non-flexible booking or a
  • standard flexible booking.

With the non-flexible booking your deposit is non-refundable. Again, this is NON-REFUNDABLE!

The standard flexible booking costs an extra fee and your deposit is protected. In case of a cancellation you can use this deposit to make a different booking.

Good to know: A disadvantage of Hostelworld is their information policy.

When you are looking for specific dates the website only shows their own available hostels during that time.

This makes sense in terms of a booking, but unfortunately not in terms of information. Keep this in mind.

It means when a hostel is not available on Hostelworld for your chosen dates, you will not see this hostel at all – this is a real pity.

Why is that? Even Hostelworld does not have 100% of the availability of all hostels in the world.

Every single hostel chooses how many beds and rooms they allocate to the different platforms. Having said that, Hostelworld is a great place to check out hostel reviews – they are easy to read and plentiful.

Read: Our full guide to Hostelworld – how does it work?

Check out Hostelworld.com

Hostelworld in Review - How does it work?

2. Hostelz.com (Price Comparison)

Hostelz.com is the ONLY smart hostel price comparison website that lists every single hostel in the world!

One more time: this is a price comparison website, not a hostel booking platform.

It’s one of the top hostel aggregators, collecting related content (hostels) and providing links to their chosen booking platforms.

What’s the difference? Hostelz.com compares hostel prices from major booking platforms including:

  • Hostelworld
  • Booking.com
  • Hostelsclub

Once you’ve found your perfect hostel, you will be redirected to the platform of your choosing (with the cheapest price) to complete your booking.

Cool Comparizon Feature:

They have this so-called Comparizon Tool to compare hostels side-by-side. SUPER HANDY!!

Pick up to 3 hostels and compare them next to each other.


Hostels Compare Tool

Create your account: As a traveler you should sign up to have an accoun with Hostelz.com. You can create wishlists and have access to exclusive guides and content. Here is our Hostelgeeks profile on Hostelz.com

That’s why all hostels in the world can be found here!

It’s a super easy website to use. With just one click you will have access to all the hostels in your chosen destination, and a price comparison list right there in front of you.

Unlike Hostelworld, Hostelz.com lists all the hostels in a destination even if it isn’t available for your dates. Save money, time and travel longer by using Hostelz.com.

Check out Hostelz.com
It is so easy to save money on hostels: Simply compare with Hostelz.com
It is so easy to save money on hostels: Simply compare with Hostelz.com

3. Booking.com

Booking.com is the largest booking portal for accommodation on the internet. This gigantic web portal from Amsterdam offers almost every single accommodation type on this planet.

Booking.com is an excellent resource when you want to get an overview of accommodations in a destination.

The information you can get from this website is really the best one we can recommend.

The design is kept simpler, with the text at a minimum, focused on relevant information rather than marketing. It’s definitely in keeping with your booking process comfort zone.

When you book hostels with Booking.com you may not even need to pay deposit. This depends on the hostel. The hostel itself chooses on Booking if they want a depost or not. That does not mean that there is a free cancellation! Pay attention to this before you do your final reservation.

They also offer free cancellations on most of the shared and private rooms you can book with them. This can be quite useful for you as a spontaneous budget traveler as plans can change.

Note: This also stands to be one of the best hotel booking sites out there.

Booking.com is one of the best hostel booking sites to consider using when looking to book hostels worldwide

4. Hostelling International

Hostelling International is the world’s largest hostel network.

HI (Short for “Hostelling International”) is a non-profit organization, and you can stay in more than 4000 affiliated hostels worldwide. This makes it very likely you will see them on your travels around the world.

Whilst the company is based in the UK, their hostels reach as far as the United States of North America, as well as South America.

You can find all (and only) HI Hostels on their website HIhostels.com.

Usually, a HI Hostel is more of a youth hostel and ideal for families; far away from party or backpacker hostels.

5. Airbnb – Not worth it for hostels

Airbnb is actually a social accommodation platform for private households renting out their spare room. Over time it has also become a booking platform for apartments, renting between two private parties.

The reason why we list Airbnb here is simple: Here you might find a few hostels!

Although it is still not very common for a hostel to be listed here. Airbnb is an amazing website, but just not for hostels.

For using Airbnb you need to register and have a profile.

In case you want to book a hostel, or any other accommodation with Airbnb you need to get verified and confirm your Identity.

This involves scanning your passport and sending it to the Airbnb team to help ensure a safe and secure platform.

Our verdict: Nah…not worth it for hostels!

6. Hostelsclub.com

Let’s talk about the smaller hostel booking platforms.

Hostelsclub.com is an Italian booking platform where you can also find hostels and budget accommodations from all over the world. This website can be a good resource when traveling through Southern Europe.

There is service charge for bookings with Hostelsclub and they also offer a Membership Card – this can be a good choice if you’re looking to get some extra discount. When booking with Hostelsclub.com, you need to pay a non-refundable deposit of 10%.

As mentioned before, Hostelz.com compares this booking portal with others. This is still the cheapest way to find your hostels.

7. Gomio.com

Update: The website does no longer exist.

Gomio.com is was a Spanish company listing mostly hostel-style accommodation. This booking platform has no booking fee and requires no membership fee. It had its focus on the social part of travel, offering a free application to connect to your future traveler buddies in the hostel.

8. Hostelbookers.com

Update: The website does no longer exist.

Hostelbookers was a booking portal from London, UK. The website was sold to Hostelworld.com and no longer exists.

What other Hostel Sites are there?

Above we covered the booking sites for hostels to – you guessed it – make your bookings. Now, is there any other things you should know?

Below we list a few more facts we think could be interesting for you to know.


Let’s talk about us, Hostelgeeks.

Hostelgeeks.com is an independent publishing & branding website reviewing and presenting you with 5 Star Hostels. Find all the 5 Star Hostels here.

We do the leg work for you and collect for you the most awesome Hostels in the world.

This is what we do. Period.

Our international media team shows you the outstanding 5 Star Hostels based on transparent criteria, a unique concept by Hostelgeeks.

Read more about Hostelgeeks here.

Hostelgeeks is NOT a booking platform, so unfortunately you cannot book with us at Hostelgeeks any of the 5 Star Hostels.

For making a booking, we always share the most convenient way to book the accommodation.

Good to know: Whenever you drop us a message, we will reply to you in person!

Even better to know: We get plenty of awesome hostel discounts for our Hostelgeeks Community.

Just check out our shop or keep an eye on specific hostel articles. Be smart!

Sunset Destination Hostel, Was ist ein Hostel? 11 Definitionen und 1 klare Antwort

This is Sunset Destination Hostel, a 5 star hostel in Lisbon, Portugal featuring a rooftop swimming pool & bar.

The Website of the Hostel (not recommended)

The time has (almost) come to an end when hostels had terrible websites, where it was easier to understand the theory of relativity by Albert Einstein than making a booking on a hostel‘s website.

Many hostels in Europe understand now the importance of an optimized website. HOWEVER…there are advantages of using Hostelword.com and Booking.


  1. Because your data is safe
  2. Because your reservation is safe and cannot be cancelled
  3. You have a saved history on where you stayed – useful for future trips

As for Hostelworld, another big advantage is their Hostelworld app. here you can connect with your hostel mates and can actually see who will be staying your hostel and city at the same time. It is such an awesome feature.

When booking with a hostel directly, you will not have any advantage of those.

Check out the Hostelworld App here

Hostelworld App and Hostelgeeks Website - what a combo!

Oldschool: Call!

Let’s go old school! There is still the opportunity to call up a hostel, and make the booking via the phone.

The advantage here is of course talking directly to a person plus it is obviously faster than an email.

This can be especially helpful in case you have a few more specific questions. (e.g. when does the first ferry leave to the other island, until what time can I do the check-in etc).

Good to know: Many Hostels provide a telephone number on their website and due to some locals law, the hostels may have to have an official telephone number.

This being said, there are hostels refusing bookings via phone. In this case they will ask you to do the booking on their website instead. Again, it can be better to check Hostelz.com.

Email & Facebook

The new equivalent to calling a hostel today is email, facebook, even Instagra,.

If there is one social network to contact all hostels in the world, it is the big blue one with the white F. This worked quite well back around the years of 2018…but nowadays, in 2025, it is not even worth it your time anymore. Many hostels do not reply, or reply after a couple of days.

Good to know: There are hostels who do not take any bookings via email or phone.

Calling the hostel is one option if you cannot find the best hostel booking site that offers a room for your dates

In a Nutshell: What are the Best Hostel Booking Sites?

In our opinion, the 3 most convenient options for a traveler are:

  1. Hostelworld
  2. Hostelz.com
  3. Booking.com
  4. Extra: Hostelgeeks.com as a gateway

The absolute best hostel site is Hostelz.com.

They list ALL hostels, even the ones not listed on any other booking platform. It is simply a hostel price comparison website.

If you are looking for a quality hostel, it makes sense to stop by Hostelgeeks. For each hostel we share, we give you a list of hostel booking sites. We even share the hostel website with you in case the hostel runs better prices on it.

Comparing prices of different hostels in the city

Update: Hostelz.com has this new comparizon tool. You can compare up to 3 hostels side-by-side. SUPER COOL! Go to hostelz.com/compare.

Comparing prices for the different hostels in one city may seem easy. In fact, this is very complicated and here you can spend a lot of valuable time.


As said before, not every hostel has the same standard and hostels offer different services.

There are basically 3 options for the services.

  1. The ones included
  2. the extra services
  3. and  the service which is not yet available.

We had a close look and we will show you what you need to keep an eye on when comparing different hostels in one city.

Read: Hostels vs Hotels – Life is too short for bad hostels

Compare Hostelz Tool
Hostel Comparizon Tool by Hostelz.com – Comparing Hostels side-by-side


This is the basic stuff you want to have, especially if you’re backpacking around the world!

It is the freebies you want to enjoy, included in the price already.

It can be free WiFi, free luggage storage and so on. Many hostels offer a free dinner night as well – more money saved that can go towards sightseeing. Perhaps there is a free tour, or linen included?

Excluded/ Extra:

There are two sides of this: the things you expect to be included, and the ones you expect to be excluded. Let us explain that. At a hostel you should (yes, you really can) expect to have free WiFi.

An extra service such as a tour which you can book with the hostel, would be something you can expect to be extra, but not something that’s included in the price.

Have a look on the towels, linen, luggage storage, and breakfast. Are those included or extra?

Not Available:

These are the facilities and services you will not find at all throughout the whole hostel building.

This part is often not shown when you are searching for your hostel.

Therefore, you have to have your expected basics you want to have made very clear.

Let’s say you need to have WiFi for whatever reason, then keep an eye on it. If the hostel description does not state anything about WiFi or Internet, then it may not be available at all.

Having that said, watch out for all 3 different types of facilities and services. Many booking platforms try to list all the required facilities and services.

However, it is also common to not show non-available items at all.

Meaning, when there is no guest kitchen available, you won’t find any hint, it will simply not be mentioned on the website. Therefore, this can make it even harder to find all facilities and services you would like available at the hostel.

Check different services available when using the best hostel booking sites

FAQ about Best Hostel Booking Sites

1. Is there a website with always the cheapest prices?

The said answer is Hostelz.com. Hostelz.com is a hostel price comparison website. It is NOT a booking platform.

All they do is comparing the rates on

  • Hostelworld.
  • Booking.com
  • Hostelsclub
  • and more

You will get the cheapest prices available on the internet.

That being said, Booking.com and Hostelworld.com offer the option to match-price. This means, when you find a cheaper price somewhere in the internet, just let the booking platform know and they will match the price for you.

When you use Hostelz.com, you won’t need this service.

2. Is there a website with ALL hostels in the world?

There is no hostel booking platform that lists all hostels in the world. However! Hostelz.com is a smart price comparison website that does list every single hostel in the world!

3. What is a hostel?

A hostel is a budget accommodation with a minimum of 1 dormitory and a common area! Read all hostel definitions in our guide “what is a hostel“.

4. Is there an age restriction for hostels?

Yes and No!

By law there is no age restriction. Yet, some hostels run their own rules. Every hostel chooses to have an age restriction or not.

If there is an age restriction, it is usually somewhere between 18 and under 40. This counts mostly for party hostels. Check every hostel before booking it.

Read: the 7 different types of hostels to choose from

Free Download List of Best Hostel Booking Sites

You can download the list of Hostel Booking Sites as a PDF.

Simply open the .pdf and save it on your device.

Hostel Booking Sites Download

More information

Still interested in more details? Have a look at these handy guides we designed just for you:

We have many many detailed articles helping you stay safe, pick better hostels and book smarter. Find all our hostel articles here.

Now that your hostel booking is sorted, time to figure out…


We hope this detailed article gave you a bit of an insight of the different and best hostel booking websites out there.

You see, there is #1 fits-it-all solution when it comes to booking hostels. It is always worth it to keep an eye on different websites, compare and book smart. The hostel’s website can be a gold mine to save a few € or $.

Safe travels and happy booking!

– – –

let your friends book smarter too and share this article!

What are the Best Hostel Booking Sites? Your basic booking guide

We are 100% Independent: Some links on Hostelgeeks are so-called affiliate links. If you decide to book through these links, we earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. Your support allows us to keep producing high-quality, independent content free of influence from hostels or external advertisers. Learn more here. 🙏

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Our Favorite Travel Resources 2025

👏 Booking Hostels: Always find better deals for Hostels on Hostelz.com. They compare prices from Hostelworld and Booking.com.

✈️ Cheap Flights: The first websites we always check are Skyscanner and Google Flights.

🤒 Travel Insurance Simplified: We always go either with Safetywing and Hey Mondo.

🤓 Smart Travel Tools you need to know: Find a list of our favorite travel tools.

Get your Smart Packing List (Free Printable): Knowing what to pack and what not to pack is key. Get our ultimate list of smart items to bring on your trip.

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Best Hostel Packing List