Let’s talk about the real rock-stars and daily winners at our chosen hostels: the pets!
One criteria of the 5 Star Hostels is to have a great atmosphere and addictive vibes. Some of the 5 Star Hostels have their very own rock-star working at the hostel as an entertainer, taking action to engage with the people to get them comfortable.
Say Hi to the coolest dog friendly hostels.
These ‘rock-stars’ are most likely some of the happiest pets in the world as every day new people are arriving, cuddling them, loving them and even wanting to take them for a walk. Some of the 5 Star Hostels at Hostelgeeks have lovely pets!
This article is part of our extended guide to hostels.
We cover many topics about hosteling, such as Netflix and Chill, and the packing list.
Some Hostels also allow guests to bring their own pets.
Make sure you check the hostel room types of those specific pet-friendly hostels. Quite obviously, pets are usually only allowed in private rooms.
How to find pet-friendly, and especially dog-friendly hostels and other accommodation? We use Hostelz.com
You can use the filter “pet-friendly”. Simple as that.
Cats and Dogs Friendly Hostels
We transformed into pet-geeks and had a closer look to present you with the current furry friends living at the 5 Star Hostels.
1. Ani&Haakien Hostel in Rotterdam with Suzy La Cubanita
This is a cat friendly hostel. Ani&Haakien Hostel is an outstanding Hostel in the heart of Rotterdam.
Alongside a quirky and artsy design, the owners also love their hostel cat.
Whenever we tell someone about Ani&Haakien’s cat “Suzy La Cubanita”, people fall in love with her instantly – even without seeing the cat itself! The name is so catchy everybody remembers it.
Suzy La Cubanita is the pet and rockstar at the 5 Star Hostel Ani&Haakien in Rotterdam.
And when you check the comments, reviews, and photos people take from this artsy hostel, you will see why. Suzy La Cubanita is a very popular photo motif!
Suzy La Cubanita is the main mascot, and she is one of the prettiest and most elegant cats we have ever seen!
Danielle and Joyce, the two owners of Ani&Haakien Hostel, bought her from a cat lady who had many cats: as least now she gets all of the attention!
Read: 3 best hostels in Rotterdam Netherlands – compared
We also wrote a big guide on the coolest things to do in Rotterdam.
The special Welcome by Suzy La Cubanita
She is into new smells as you can tell from all her photos on Instagram.
When people arrive at Ani&Haakien Hostel, Suzy has a special welcoming procedure: to get your attention she likes to sit on your bags (if the guests are comfortable with it)!
Many people instantly notice her little apartment next to the reception, and most guests (especially girls) immediately fall in love with her as she struts in and makes her entrance!
Read: 26 Awesome Hostels on Instagram
Suzy has her own hashtag: #suzylacubanita
2. ClinkCoco Amsterdam with Joop
Another cat fan of hostel. Joop is the beloved pet of the 5 Star Hostel ClinkCoco Hostel in Amsterdam; a cozy Boutique Hostel with its own garden and a chic design.
Read: 3 best hostels in Amsterdam for solo-traveler – compared
Joop is a European Shorthair, born in 2009, and he is a proud staff member and the secret boss of ClinkCoco Hostel! Lotje and Anika, the two owners of ClinkCoco, adopted him from the Amsterdam shelter and you can tell that Joop has settled in his lovely new home!
He had some overweight issues before, which is why he’s on a special diet. As a result he now weighs in at 6kg – an ideal weight according to the vet. He still gets a little peckish in between meals, so the owners him green beans; a calorie-free treat that he absolutely loves and which keep him going until dinner!
Joop disagrees with some human inventions
It’s no surprise that cats in this world disagree with many things that we humans do e.g. cuddling dogs, eating first or taking them to the vet.
Joop strongly dislikes the vacuum cleaner, fireworks, and being put in a carry basket for vet visits.
But there are a lot of things that Joop does love: attention and cuddling being the top two!
Joop loves attention & cuddling
Most guests at ClinkCoco, especially those who have cats at home, make time to give Joop a cuddle.
However, we are well aware that not everybody has a natural love of these furry creatures.
Having said that, some guests have stated that Joop’s overall friendliness as allowed them to make an exception! People with allergies just stay away from him as he doesn’t shed a lot of hair, unlike a lot of pets, so if they don’t touch him the allergies are usually fine.
When you are looking for the hostel cat, you will most likely find him in the garden and the lounge.
It goes without saying that Joop is not allowed in the guest rooms!
Joop and ClinkCoco have an own App
Even we at Hostelgeeks do not have an app so far, and Joop is way ahead of us!
ClinkCoco Hostel has its own app for the iPhone which you can download straight from the App Store.
Read: 49 best travel apps you will love
Any idea what this app is about?
You can take photos, and place Jopp on your photos: Joop around the world! Geeky, and fun – well done, ClinkCocos!
3. The Spot Cosy Hostel in Cluj with Frenc, Eko, and Fredy
How about some dog loving hostels?
Frenc the pug, Eko the labrador and Fredy the cat call The Spot Cosy Hostel in Cluj their home!
These 3 lovely characters love to hang out altogether in the lounge of the hostel, but even more in the hostel garden.
After all, there are some strawberries to find, and what dog wouldn’t love that?!
The two dogs and the one cat get along very well (yes, we were surprised to hear that too!) and they are best buddies as you can see in the photo below.
After all, there are some strawberries to find, and what dog wouldn’t love that?!
The two dogs and the one cat get along very well (yes, we were surprised to hear that too!) and they are best buddies as you can see in the photo below.
4. Montacute Boutique Bunkhouse in Hobart, Tasmania
Montacute Boutique Bunkhouse is the home of the owners family, travelers around the world, and a dynamic trio.
But other than at The Spot Cosy Hostel in Cluj, the 1 cat, and the 2 dogs have a different kind of relationship.
While the two dogs simply love the cat, the cat has different feelings. We do not want to use the word hate, but it may get close.
Read: the 49 best hostels in Australia
Mrs – Mrs Lily Princess, the Cat
Mrs was a rescue cat and was born approximately in Spring 2013.
She had been brought in to a vet clinic as a stray and was very sick. The vet took her home and looked after her for 3 months until she was better.
The vet and two friends each gave her a name: Mrs+Lily+Princess = Mrs Lily Princess, Mrs for short.
When she became healthy, they posted an ad online looking for a new home for her.
There were very strict criteria.
Rose and Antony applied, and had a 30 minute interview, and thankfully the vet decided they were suitable ‘humans’ for Mrs!
These days Mrs is the Queen of Montacute.
Lily, the Bulldog with a love for everything
Lily is our Miniature Bulldog, born in 2012. YAY, we found another hostels friendly with dogs.
She LOVES people. And dogs. And children. And food. And drinks. And toys. And cushions. And food. And people.
Actually she pretty much loves everything. She loves life.
Miniature Bulldogs are a rare breed, but they found a suitable male 4 hours drive away.
When she came into heat, Rose and Antony took her to her boyfriend’s house and left her there for 1 week.
A few days later the breeder sent them a video saying “I don’t think Lily knows what to do”.
The video showed Lily and the male running around and around in circles until Lily finally caught him and ‘dry-humped’ him from behind! For the rest of the week, the breeder artificially inseminated her.
After a few weeks she started to get fat. They were so happy, they were going to have puppies! After a few more weeks, her teats grew and she developed milk. In the final days, Rose and Antony prepared a special birthing bed for her.
They waited.
And waited.
They took her to the vet for an ultrasound. Guess what? Phantom pregnancy!!! No puppies 🙁 Antony and Rose waited 6 months until she came into heat again, then took her to the breeder, but asked her to try with a different male.
This time, it was a full success!
Tuxi – The tuxedo fits perfectly!
Tuxi and his 4 siblings were born in May 2015.
When he was born, Tuxi had a dark coat and had a perfect white V on his chest, like he was wearing a tuxedo, hence his name.
Tuxi’s siblings were all different colours with different markings, but Tuxi looks just like his mum Lily.
He is absolutely adorable!
His siblings went to new homes at 8 weeks, but Tuxi is The Chosen One, the Little Prince. He loves his mum and his family and he loves getting cuddles from guests at Montacute Bunkhouse Hostel.
5. Shasha, the star at Mountain Hostel Tarter
Shasha! That is the name of the dog at Mountain Hostel in El Tarter, Andorra. >When she is not sleeping in her bed behind the reception desk, Shasha is welcoming and visiting everyone in the hostel. Quite obviously, the kitchen is the place to be for her.She is always looking for somebody giving her food.And who could resists those eyes?Shasha is definitely the star of Mountain Hostel. All the guests know her and even post some comments about her when leaving reviews on booking platforms.
6. The Hostelgeeks Dog Einstein
There is still no official Hostelgeeks Dog, but it’s planned for any time in the future.
However, the name is already decided, and the dog will hear by the name of Einstein.
Therefore: Dibs on the name Einstein! Here is an idea how she could look like.
Summary pets at 5 Star Hostels
Hostel pets have to be very kind and comfortable around people they don’t know. You can find many cat and dog friendly hostels.
As you have read, all the pets at the 5 Star Hostels do have their own character and overall they are the secret bosses, queens and rock stars of their household.
They love to cuddle and help create a special atmosphere around the hostel. It is also great to hear that so many people fall in love with these pets even if they’ve never had one of their own.
We will be sure to keep this post updated with all pets at 5 Star Hostels but until then, if you have any questions, doubts or simply want to wow the pets then please leave a comment – we would love to hear from you!
Read: The full guide to hostels and all hostel-related articles here.
Safe travels
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